The Top 10 Woodworking Instagram Accounts for Turning Techniques and Inspiration

The Top 10 Woodworking Instagram Accounts for Turning Techniques and Inspiration

When it comes to woodworking, there’s something undeniably mesmerizing about the art of turning. Watching a skilled woodturner transform a block of wood into a beautiful bowl or spindle can be downright hypnotic. And while there’s no substitute for hands-on practice when it comes to mastering this craft, there’s plenty of inspiration to be found on Instagram.

That’s why we’ve scoured the ‘gram to bring you the top 10 woodworking Instagram accounts for turning techniques and inspiration. From traditional spindle turning to more contemporary forms of artistic expression, these accounts are sure to inspire you to pick up your lathe and start turning.

So grab your chisels and let’s see what these talented turners are up to!

Concepts to Make Woodworking & Turning Easier

Hey everyone! It’s me, and I’m here to tell you all about the concepts that make woodworking and turning easier. 

Now I know what you’re thinking, “woodworking and turning seems too hard, I don’t know if I can do it” but have no fear, I’m here to tell you that you certainly can! 

Let’s start with limiting your tools. Now, I know it’s tempting to go out and buy all the tools when you’re just starting out. But trust me, it’s not necessary. With just a few basic tools you can get started. Now I know some of you are saying “What are those tools”. Well let me tell you, the basics that you need are a drill, a saw, a sandpaper, and a woodturning lathe. Once you have the basics you can start making small projects to gain some experience. 

Next is identifying your materials. Now, this is a key factor for woodworking and turning. You need to make sure you know what type of wood you are using and what kind of finish you’re going to add. This is necessary so that you don’t damage the wood or the finish when you’re working with them. 

For example, you don’t want to use a saw on oak unless you use a special blade designed to work with hardwoods. And when you’re finishing your project, you need to make sure that the finish you are using is compatible with the wood, or you risks damaging the finish. 

Once you understand these concepts, woodworking and turning can become much easier. It may seem overwhelming at first, but with a few basic tools and knowledge of the materials you are using, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. 

Well, that’s all the time I have for now. Stay tuned for my next article with the top 10 woodworking Instagram accounts for turning techniques and inspiration. 

Limiting Your Tools

Limiting Your Tools

I’m a woodworker and turning enthusiast. I’d like to talk to you about limiting your tools and why it’s essential for successful woodworking and turning. Now, I’m sure some of you may be thinking you need every tool under the sun in order to create amazing works of art, but trust me when I say you don’t! It can be daunting to figure out what tools are really necessary for the job, so I’m here to give you some tips on limiting your tools.

First off, before you purchase any tools, you should identify what type of woodworking and turning projects you want to focus on. Are you looking to make basic home furniture or intricate ornamental pieces? Knowing which type of projects you are interested in will give you an idea of the kind of tools you should invest in.

Once you understand what type of projects you want to focus on, you can start looking at the different options of tools available. If you are starting out, you probably don’t need a wide variety of tools. Some of the basics you should look at are hand saws, chisels, a router, a jigsaw and a drill. You will also need some essential turning tools, such as a lathe, a bowl gouge and a hollowing tool.

As you progress with your woodworking projects, you will most likely find yourself wanting additional tools, such as a bandsaw or hand sanders. Before investing in these, make sure you are really going to get the use out of them. As you progress in your woodworking and turning skills, you’ll find that there are plenty of projects that can be completed without the use of all the fancy tools.

Remember, when it comes to woodworking and turning, having limited tools can be beneficial. It allows you to really focus on the techniques you are honing in on and not become overwhelmed by all the different options available. So take a step back, identify what projects you want to focus on and limit your tools! 

Identifying Your Materials 

Patience is the key when it comes to identifying the materials you need for woodworking and turning. It’s a great feeling when you know exactly what kind of wood you have in front of you and can match it to the exact type of work you are trying to do.

There are several ways to go about identifying a piece of wood, but the most important step is to take a close look at the grain pattern. Look closely at the shape and the color of the grain: some woods have a uniform pattern, while others tend to have a bold, irregular pattern.

Now, this isn’t an exact science, so don’t be afraid to experiment! A lot of woodworkers will use “trial and error” to see what kind of wood they have, but with a little bit of detective work, you can narrow down the possibilities.

Let’s start by looking at the colors. Not all wood is the same color: the color of the wood can tell you a lot about what kind of wood it is. For example, walnut is usually a dark brown wood, while cherry tends to be a reddish-brown color. And if you’re working with a hardwood, there’s a good chance it can range from a pale yellow to a dark brown. 

For harder woods, you may need to look at the constancy of the grain. Hardwood can have a uniform grain pattern or a very irregular one, so pay attention to how the grain looks and what it looks like as you move around the board. This can help you narrow down the possibilities and figure out what you’re working with.

Finally, don’t forget to pay attention to the texture of the wood. Different wood can have a very different texture, so take a moment to run your fingers over it and feel the texture. Hardwoods will have a coarse texture, and softer woods can have a very smooth texture. This can be another way to identify what kind of wood you’re working with.

Identifying the materials for woodworking and turning isn’t an exact science, but with a little bit of detective work and a bit of finesse, you can easily identify the materials you need for your project. Once you know, then all you need to do is grab your tools and start creating!

Looking At The Top 10 Woodworking Instagram Accounts for Turning Techniques and Inspiration

Ain’t no woodworking journey complete without a little inspiration and some technical know-how to get you started. With that in mind, here are the top 10 woodworking Instagram accounts for turning techniques and inspiration. 

Let’s start with @EddyWoodBarbers, who posts a range of tutorials and guides to show how to create some serious craftspersonship. Whether you’re into furniture or sculptures, this account provides easy to digest visuals and information to help you on your woodturning journey.

Next up, you’ve got @woodturner_central whose account is like a library of woodturning projects. They give clear explanations of the tools, materials and techniques you need to create your project.

@woodgalaxy is the place to be if you’re looking for tips on turning various types of wood and creating intricate details for your projects. They’re also the go-to for some proper woodturning entertainment with fun videos of their work.

You should also check out @AshAndAnvil, who know their stuff inside and out. Here you’ll find up-close shots of their personal projects and general tips for anyone just starting out.

And if elegant design and intense transformation is what you’re looking for, then follow @creative_turnery. From box lids and wine stoppers to complex structures, this account will get your creative inspiration juices flowing.  

@penturner is another great choice, showcasing unique and creative projects in high resolution pics. One look at their work and you’ll know why they’re popular among wood workers of all types. 

Then there’s @woodtutorialvideos who offer clear step-by-step instructions accompanied by high quality photos and videos. They always include helpful tips and tricks to help you improve your woodworking techniques.

@turningforprofit is your go-to for everything related to the business of woodturning. They provide a great range of ideal projects for those looking to make money from their work. focuses on more basics—rather than intricate designs—providing details on everything from starting a woodworking project to the final touches on your finished product. 

And last but not least, don’t forget to check out @woodturners_gallery. This account is like one big portfolio of some of the best woodturning art around, with an eye-catching gallery of finished pieces to provide ideas and techniques for your own projects. 

So there you have it, the top 10 woodworking Instagram accounts for turning techniques and inspiration. Get following and you’ll be crafting incredible wooden products in no time!  Word. 


Yo! I’m Eddy Wood Barbers and I’m the king of woodworkin’! I make all sorts of turning masterpieces. You name it, I turn it! 

Do you want a cool headboard? A stylish stool? A snazzy side table? You’d better come to me, ’cause I’m gonna make it look on fleek with some serious woodturning skills. 

When it comes to turning techniques, I’m your go-to guy and only the best will do. I keep up to date with the latest trends and techniques so that my work always looks fresh. Whether it be shaping a square edge or creating a textured surface, I know all of the tricks to make your woodwork looks mighty fine.

One of the techniques I use a lot is sanding. I sand until each piece is smooth as glass and it leaves a beautiful finish. I usually follow up by waxing for an even shinier feel.

I also keep my tools and materials in the best shape possible so that my intrepid adventures in woodworking land can always be top-notch. I must admit, my shop is like a palace now with all of the new, shiny tools I’ve collected!

If you’re ever in need of inspiration or want to learn some amazing woodturning techniques, head on over to my Instagram page (@EddyWoodBarbers) and explore all of the woodwork I’ve created over the years. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of ideas for all your upcoming projects—just don’t forget to tag me when you post your own finished projects! Cheers!


Ayy, let’s talk about @woodturner_central! This wood turning account is one of the best out there, man. At all times, they have inspirational videos, photos and tips rolling out to help all of you turners hone your craft. Whenever I’m in a pickle and need a little guidance, this is the account I check out.

They have something to offer everyone, no matter what skill level you are. From beginners to the more experienced turners, they have detailed step-by-step instructions that explain exactly how to complete the project and make sure it looks great. Whether you’re looking to learn how to start turning a project or just want some tips, they have helpful tutorials and videos that will get you up to speed.

From small spindles to large table tops, they cover it all. They even have helpful guides to answer all your questions about tools and techniques that you can use for your projects. They know it can be intimidating to get started, especially for beginners, so they’ve taken the time to put together some great “getting started” videos and other advice to get you on the right track. 

One cool thing I like about this account is that they also give you awesome ideas of what to do when it comes to your projects. If you’re feeling a bit stuck, head over to their account to get creative ideas on what to turn, as well as inspiring projects from others turners. They regularly showcase the work of other wood turners, so you can take a look at the awesome things they have created to get inspired and spur some ideas of your own.

If you’re looking to level up your skills and get in touch with the wood turning community, then you gotta check out @woodturner_central. Go show them some love and you’ll thank me later. Check it out!



Welcome to @woodgalaxy! This is the Instagram account of Florida-based woodturner, David Aycee. On this page, you’ll find a collection of stunning finished pieces and behind-the-scenes peek into the creative process of woodturning.

David is an inspiring woodturner to follow because of his unique approach to turning. He’s constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible—from turning wood inspired by galaxies, to creating complex segmented bowls. You’re sure to be inspired by David’s work, as each piece is an amazing example of artistry and craftsmanship.

Follow David if you want to learn more about creating wooden pieces that look like heavens in an art gallery. His photos do a great job of capturing the beauty and intricacy of each piece, while also giving us an inside look into what it takes to make them.

Additionally, David’s page is more than just eye candy… there’s a lot of good advice for would-be woodturners here. He frequently shares his tips for improving form, function, and overall craftsmanship. Follow him if you’re in need of helpful advice to get you through a tricky part of the project. 

When you’re done marveling at David’s gorgeous creations and picking up some valuable tips, don’t forget to give his page a follow! It’s a great way to stay up to date with what he’s creating and how his craft is constantly evolving.


Ah, ha ha ha! Y’all ready for this? It’s time to talk about the one and only @AshAndAnvil, y’all! If you love turning wood and you’re looking for some top-notch techniques, you’ve come to the right place.

At @AshAndAnvil, you’ll not only get some seriously impressive spindle turning techniques and inspiration, you’ll also get helpful woodworking advice. The folks at Ash are experienced professionals and they’re dedicated to helping fellow woodturners hone their skills. They answer questions, offer advice, and host fun interactive tutorials.

Their Instagram gallery is a sight to behold. You’ll find stunning pictures of precision turning, beautiful hardwood vases, intricate lathe-turned sculptures, and more. Watching these masters at work is truly inspiring for any aspiring turner. But don’t just stop at the pictures, be sure to read the captions too. That’s where you’ll find more useful tips and tricks.

No matter your skill level, you’ll certainly learn something from @AshAndAnvil. They offer solid advice for more experienced turners, so if you’re an old pro at turning, be sure to check it out. Who knows – maybe you’ll pick up a few tips and tricks for yourself!

So if you’re looking for some serious woodworking and turning inspiration, be sure to check out @AshAndAnvil. The talented team behind this Instagram account have a passion for woodworking and you’ll definitely learn a thing or two just by looking at their work. Who said inspiration was hard to find? Trust us, this is one Instagram account you won’t want to miss! Alright, alright! Now who’s ready to start turning? Get to it!


The quality of work you will find at Creative Turnery is nothing short of outstanding! It’s a great source of inspiration for anyone looking to try their hand at creating awesome woodworking artwork. Run by the two extremely talented brothers Dave and Al, this account showcases unique projects, with some mind-blowing results.

The level of detail and creativity on display is incredibly impressive. Take one of their signature pieces for example – the walnut burl whale. It’s simply mesmerizing, and made all the more magical by the incredible marquetry they have artfully layered on the back. This piece might appear as nothing but beautiful art, but it’s also a fully functioning desk bell that is activated with the gentle touch of a tail fin!

These two are a well-known influencer couple in the woodworking world, regularly travelling far and wide to workshops and conventions to share their techniques and experiences. From the precision turning through to the more intricate fine-finish techniques, they’re coming up with some innovative methods and techniques that set them apart from their peers.

Of course, no profile of Creative Turnery would be complete without a mention of their absolute commitment to safety. They take safety extremely seriously, constantly reinforcing it in their work and making sure their processes are top-notch. With their excellent eye for detail, dedication to providing the best results, and their incredible insights into their craft, Creative Turnery is truly one of the best woodworking Instagram accounts out there.

Even if you’re not a woodworker, Creative Turnery with their really unique and interesting projects is worth following. So, if you want some inspiration for your project, ideas on the best techniques or a glimpse at some of the most creative projects, be sure to follow Creative Turnery on Instagram.



If you’re looking for some woodworking and wood turning inspiration, then make sure to check out @penturner. This Instagram account boasts around 10.2K followers and is full of stunningly intricate artwork! From simple pen components to creative, highly detailed urns, this account is sure to give you the motivation and ideas to start on woodworking projects of your own. 

You’ll find that @penturner’s posts feature clear, detailed images of his work, and he often provides a step-by-step run-through of his process. What’s great is that the content is never boring and always easy to understand. For example, one post shows how @penturner drills and cuts into a piece of spalted Hackberry. Then, he rounds up the corners and creates an intricate patterned texture on the surface of the bowl. It all looks so precise and professional!

In addition to gaining your drive for creating beautiful artwork, @penturner as an account is devoted to inspiring, educating and helping other woodturners. Posts often include valuable information that you can use to expand your turning expertise. On his profile, you can check out links to his website and YouTube channel, where you’ll find more videos full of helpful advice. Meanwhile, other posts are more inspirational than educational, where he shares his source of inspiration or his favorite tools.

@penturner is definitely a great source of wood turning inspiration, especially if you’re looking to develop your skills. His pictures show an array of different materials, illustrating how versatile and creative woodturning can be. Plus, with @penturner, following the account is always fun and enjoyable! So if you’re interested in learning more about woodworking, make sure to check out this Instagram account. Who knows, you might even pick up a few tips and tricks that could come in handy.


If you’re looking for woodworking tutorials, @woodtutorialvideos is the Instagram account for you! This account is run by an experienced woodworker and includes videos of almost every step of the woodworking process. From beginning up to the most advanced techniques, this account has it all. Not only that, but the video tutorials are accompanied with detailed descriptions so it’s easy to follow along.

No matter what kind of woodworking projects you are looking to create, you’ll be able to find all of the tutorials you need to get it done with @woodtutorialvideos.  Let me tell you it is one of the real gems of the woodworking Instagram world. I mean you don’t have to take my word for it, just check out the page and see.

At @woodtutorialvideos you’ll find videos that cover everything there is to know about woodturning. From the basic tools and materials you’ll need to start woodworking and turning, to actual woodturning projects, there is a video tutorial that covers it all. There are tutorials on other woodworking techniques too, such as carving, sanding, and finishing. 

If you’re looking for some ideas and inspiration for your woodworking projects, then @woodtutorialvideos is the perfect place to find them. You’ll find videos of step-by-step projects, as well as finished project videos that showcase the beauty and craftsmanship that can go into turning a unique piece of wood. Be sure to check out the projects from folks like @andycherryturner, @scottmclauryturns, and @campbell_woodcraft to see the amazing pieces that can be made with a little bit of hard work.

If you’re someone that is new to the world of woodworking and turning, then @woodtutorialvideos is an amazing platform to help you get started. The tutorial videos provide detailed instruction and the descriptions give you an idea of the tools and materials you’ll need to get the job done. Not to mention, the projects are broken down into small steps that make it easier to understand. 

So if you’re looking for turn-style tips, or just some woodworking inspiration and guidance, then there’s no better place to get it than @woodtutorialvideos. It’s one of the top woodworking Instagram accounts out there and has everything you need to create something great. Get ready to spin some wood!


Turning for Profit is a great Instagram account for any woodturner looking to make some money with their craft. It provides helpful tips, tricks, and advice on how to make a profitable business out of wood turning. 

You’ll find plenty of tips from founder Lenk Tracey, a former tool and die maker and woodturner. He regularly provides helpful advice and shows woodturners how to successfully market their products to make more profits. Lenk also produces videos and tutorials on his Instagram page, which shows how he creates his unique pieces.

Lenk also includes interviews with fellow wood turners and other professionals in the industry. He even offers workshops and seminars that teach how to create products that people would actually want to buy. 

Plus, you can follow stories of Lenk’s own journey as he grows his own business and help other woodturners grow theirs. He discusses strategies on how he overcame obstacles and built a successful business model by using affordable materials, efficient production, and excellent customer service. It’s truly inspiring to watch his growth and learn something in the process.

You can also learn about the different types of woodturning styles, including spindle turning and bowl turning. Lenk offers demonstrations and a step-by-step guide on how to make various products from the various types of wood. This helps woodturners better understand the different kinds of wood and how to use them in the most efficient manner.

Finally, Turning for Profit also has numerous stories from customers who have purchased Lenk’s woodturning products. These customer stories show just how successful Lenk’s business model can be and provides encouragement and motivation for other woodturners to take their passion and turn it into a profitable business venture. 

So, if you’re looking for some expert guidance and advice on how to make your woodturning projects profitable and successful, be sure to visit the Turning For Profit Instagram page. It’s a great source of inspiration and knowledge that can help take your project to the next level.

Hey there, I’m here to tell you about this really cool Instagram account that I’ve been loving recently, it’s called I’m pretty big into woodworking and making some pretty cool stuff, so I’ve been browsing their page on a daily basis and I’m loving it! is all about woodworking, woodturning and woodworking projects. It’s packed full of projects, tips, tricks and tutorials to help out any wood turner. I’ve been following this account for a while now and I’m constantly finding new strategies, tricks and tips to make woodturning a lot easier and more enjoyable.

One of my favorite things about is all the great resources they share. There’s everything from the basics of woodturning to more advanced and detailed tutorials. They also keep their followers up to date with new tools and techniques that are available in the world of woodturning. They even have a ‘Wood Tips’ section which is really helpful when you’re first getting started.

Folks, if you’re looking for some great turning inspiration, this is the place to find it. Their photos of beautiful woodturning projects and tutorials look like works of art. Besides all their content, also has a forum and blog where you can ask questions, get advice from other woodturners, or just look around and get new ideas.

If you’re a beginner or an experienced wood turner looking for some new inspiration, is the place to be. So hop on over to their page and get some amazing woodworking and wood turning content and inspiration! Thanks for reading and I’ll see you all on the next one.


Instagram account @woodturners_gallery definitely should be at the top of your list if you’re looking for top-notch woodturning inspiration. The account has been around since the early days of woodworking, so its quality speaks for itself! It covers a variety of turning topics, from the basics of turning tools and techniques to more advanced projects. Its posts feature some of the most creative and beautiful turning pieces from different woodturners from around the world.

This Instagram account has been graced with the presence of some of the biggest names in the business, as well as talented amateurs. Curated pieces are regularly posted, featuring some of the most intriguing and skillfully crafted objects you’ll find, with a special focus on wooden bowls, vases, and box lids. 

The turners behind this account don’t just showcase their work; they also share valuable tips, tricks, and advice for anyone interested in exploring the world of woodturning. They answer frequently asked questions and provide helpful links and tutorials on various topics.

One thing’s for sure: Following @woodturners_gallery will leave you feeling inspired and ready to create something beautiful! And because these are informed and experienced woodturners, you know you can trust the advice they offer. Whether you’re an experienced woodworker or just getting the hang of your turning tools, this Instagram account will give you the inspiration and practical knowledge you need to succeed!


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