Band Saw Uses | UK Guide | 2023

Band Saw Uses

A band saw is one of the more popular varieties of power saw. With its hard-wearing narrow blade, a band saw can carry out curved and straight cuts with relatively little effort. The key feature of any band saw is its continuous saw blade that is stretched over two wheels. Some band saws may include additional wheels.

Blade sizes come in various sizes, while you can also find different tooth pitches readily available. In order to operate, a band saw relies on a powerful motor. A decent band saw will also provide the user with a good range of adjustments, including cutting speed and cutting angle.

Common Applications

If you’re planning on undertaking a more intensive woodworking project, a band saw is a good power tool to have at your disposal. The best heavy-duty band saws will include a sturdy table, the ability to make angled cuts and more besides. A good quality band saw will allow you to make straight and crosscuts alike, while also giving you the freedom to work more loosely if you want to tackle freehand cuts and more elegant curves.

A reliable band saw can also be used for ripping lumber. If you need to make many identical cuts with the same measurement of wood, you should definitely consider investing in a band saw. Not only can you expect more precise results, you’ll also save yourself the effort of having to tackle those repeated cuts with a manual saw. Large work tables and optional fence accessories also mean you can work with much larger pieces of lumbar.

Band saws can also utilised when you need to cut through certain types of metal. Although the average band saw may struggle to cut through particularly thick pieces of metal, most machines will have little trouble slicing through thinner sheets, tubing and tools.

Advanced Applications

A band saw is also the only way to go when undertaking more particular tasks. Re-sawing can prove rather taxing when you only have manual tools to hand. With a band saw your disposal, the re-sawing tasks are nigh on effortless. Rip cuts can also be handled with next to no effort with a band saw.

In addition to speeding up your productivity, a band saw will also minimise the chance of your materials breaking as you make cuts. If you’re working with particularly delicate pieces of wood, you’ll certainly want the rip cutting reliability and stability offered by a band saw.


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